What is Grounding and Why is it Important?
Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Instead of being trapped by the thoughts in your mind that are causing you to feel anxious, feeling grounded brings about feeling safe, which helps you stay in the present moment instead of worrying about things that may happen in the future or events that have already happened in the past.
Losing Touch with the Ground
There's no denying that our health is intrinsically connected to the health of the planet. Without clean air to breathe, nutritious foods to eat, and biodiversity to keep the ecosystems functioning, we would cease to exist. Nature heals and grounds us after the stress of modern life pulls us further away from well-being. So when we think of wellness, Mother Earth is a necessary factor in the equation.
You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet. Your body operates electrically. All of your cells transmit multiple frequencies that run, for example, your heart, immune system, muscles, and nervous system.
Past societies went barefoot or wore leather footwear made from hides that allowed the energy from the Earth to rise into their bodies. They also slept on the ground and outside, they were grounded. Something our society no longer does; our industrial societies are disconnected.
How to Reconnect to Earth:
Walking Barefoot
One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot. Go outside, barefoot for a half-hour, you'll see and feel a difference!
Lying on the Ground
You can increase your skin-to-earth contact by lying on the ground. You can do it in the grass by the park or on the sand at the beach. If you’re going to ground yourself in this way, be sure to take the proper precautions and never lie somewhere you could be injured.
Submersing in Water
Water may also be used to ground in the same way the physical earth is used for grounding. Simply wading in a clear lake or swimming in the ocean is a way to ground yourself. As always, be sure to stay safe when swimming, especially in murky or deep waters.
Essential Oils for Grounding include Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Myrrh
These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s energy. When you do this, it can bring your focus to what is happening to you physically, either in your body or in your surroundings. Don’t forget to BREATHE!
Karina Velasquez