What are Chakras?
The Sanskrit word, chakra translates to wheel. In yoga and meditation, this term refers to a wheel of energy through the body. There are seven main chakras that align along the spine, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The spheres also extend through and past the front, back, and both sides of your body. Chakras are a spinning vortex of energy. Chakras distribute the flow of energy called prana (a vital life force) throughout our body.
Each of our seven main chakras reside in and correspond to our vital organs, such as the reproductive organs, heart, thyroid, and brain, as nerve centers in the entire body. When our chakras are not working properly or are blocked, this can cause numerous health problems as well as our emotional (mental) and spiritual health.
The lower chakras are related to Earthly matters: such as survival, sex, and power. The top three chakras are related to higher consciousness: truth, intuition, and purpose. The middle chakra, the Heart Chakra bridges the two worlds with empathy, compassion, and LOVE.
First Chakra
Muladhara (Root Chakra) is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It corresponds to the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. You’ll know you need to heal the root chakra if you struggle with anxiety. When this chakra is open, we feel safe and grounded.
Essential Oils for the Root Chakra: Vetiver, Myrrh, Pine, and Cedarwood. These oils bring a sense of being grounded, secure/safe, and stable.
Second Chakra
Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) is our creative chakra and sexual center. It’s located above the pubic bone, below the navel. It’s corresponding to our creative expression.
Essential Oils for the Sacral Chakra: Clary Sage, Orange, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Jasmine, and Ylang Ylang. These essential oils create a synergetic that promotes creativity, passion, and emotional healing.
Third Chakra
Manipura (Solar Plexus) is in the upper abdomen and represents our source of personal power (our will) and confidence. When balanced, the solar plexus chakra allows us to make conscious choices and take responsibility in our life.
Essential Oils for the Solar Plexus: Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Sweet Marjoram, Black Pepper, and Ginger Root. These essential oils create a synergetic that strengthens personal power and encourages initiative.
The fourth Chakra is The Connection Between Matter and Spirit/Soul.
Fourth Chakra
The fourth chakra, Anahata, the Heart Chakra is located at the heart center. It is in the middle of the seven chakras and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The heart chakra is spiritual, and also serves as a bridge between our mind, body, and spirit/soul. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection. To heal the heart chakra (and elevate to the higher states of consciousness), we must heal and release old wounds. Compassion and forgiveness are keys.
Essential Oils for the Heart Chakra: Geranium, Copaiba, Lime, Pine, Spearmint, and Rose create a synergetic that brings feelings of comfort and restores trust.
Balancing our physical chakras (the first three) opens us to our spirituality more fully.
The Chakras of Spirit
Fifth Chakra
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) our fifth chakra is located in the throat area. This is our source of verbal expression and our ability to speak authentically with our highest truth. The fifth chakra corresponds to the neck, thyroid, parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.
Essential Oils for the Throat Chakra: Peppermint, Cypress, Chamomile, and Rosemary. These essential oils create a synergetic that promotes mental clarity, and effective self-expression/communication.
Sixth Chakra
Ajna (Third Eye) is located between the eyebrows. The third eye is our center of intuition. We all have this sixth sense of intuition, however, many have this chakra blocked. Adjusting our diets, being mindful of the chemicals our body absorbs and a focus on opening this chakra will help you hone its ability.
Essential Oils for the Third Eye Chakra: Lavender, Clary Sage, Cypress, Chamomile (Blue), Ylang Ylang, and Frankincense. These create a synergetic that brings calmness and peace to the mind which will promote one’s ability to discern truth, connect with spiritual guides, and enhance cosmic connections.
Seventh Chakra
Sahasrara (The Crown Chakra) is located at the crown of the head. This chakra is your spiritual connection to God/The Universe, to the Divine. It is the chakra of spiritual enlightenment and connection to our higher selves.
Essential Oils for the Crown Chakra: Cedarwood Atlas, Lavender, Myrrh, Rosewood, Frankincense, and Lemon. These essential oils create a synergetic that brings feelings of peace and promote a balanced spiritual life, wisdom, insight, and a connection to a higher power/ the divine/God.